Happy 4th! Blockchain Votes United States of America!
Independence Day.
Today is the day we celebrate our nation’s inception. The dream of building it for ourselves. Learning that after the bullets and blood comes the governing and the weight of economic responsibility on behalf of constituents.
Hamilton helped shape the economy we see today. What would our founding fathers want for Americans if they saw us now?
Would they want us to forge new paths? Would they want individuals to have a voice in the room where it happens?
I know they would want us to be safe.
Blockchain is here in America. It can do great things and empower individual constituents of any nation around the world.
Blockchain technology will soon be intertwined with American commerce. From supply chains of commodities to earning rewards while gaming, it will fundamentally change the next 10 years.
Will Americans or corporations benefit from blockchain technology over the next decade? We’ll see…
Elected officials are the only path to having your voice heard in US Regulations. They must be educated to be able to fight for their base back home when confronted with the Capitol Hill reactions of digital asset ownership.
Make sure they know your voice. Make sure you know theirs.
Vote Blockchain. Vote for American goods and services. Vote for individual wealth generation.
Happy 4th of July from Continuum Market!