Continuum Evaluators come from Fortune500, Commercial Enterprise, Capital Deployment, Legal, Compliance, US & Global Regulatory Entities. These members of Continuum are evaluating the Products, Services and Brands at Continuum.

Evaluators send Continuum feedback on the teams they are interested to work with as well as the brands they do not want to work with. Sometimes the brand does not meet the thesis, sometimes the team is not mature enough, sometimes there is a legal red flag.

All feedback is welcome at Continuum. We want our brands to be ready for the real world, to be matched to strategic partners and to grow in global adoption.

Peer Review from Evaluators is our Core Collective Intelligence at Continuum.


Continuum Evaluators attend Continuum Continuum Events and Evaluator Rooms.

The Future is Now, so we meet every week. #RSVP to our Infinity Conference.

Continuum Members Portfolio exists in Omniverse City for interactive real time knowledge.

Feedback is appreciated, Evaluators have access to advanced tools at Continuum.

#RSVP to Continuum Evaluator Events!

Now you have a Guide to Advanced Technology Convergence with the Real World.

Join the Continuum. The Future is Now.

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