The Antiquity Project

Name: Mike-Charles Nahounou


Company Bio:

Welcome to, home to the digital collection of musical art by recording artist Mike-Charles. Inspired by ancient and current events, works on The Antiquity Project (TAP) soundtrack the trials and triumphs of its protagonist, MC. The entrepreneurial, tech-savvy, and musically inclined heir to an African oil mogul's throne, struggles to succeed his family's inheritance out of the control of seasoned conspirators. ​ ​ ​ ​

A first of its kind, TAP embodies a fantastical novel or television series, such as Game of Thrones, albeit based on real-life events. Each song sets the context in which the characters play. The underlying theme of TAP finds harmony at the intersection of FAITH, FAMILY, and FINANCE. Shying away from the music industry's traditional album/single/touring business model, the project instead focuses on valuable and scarce digital art creations, inextricably linked to musical themes. Climb aboard a new vessel, as Captain MC voyages to discover the Golden Gate Bridge that connects struggle and glory, on his quest to Expand The Arts!

Website URL:

LinkedIn URL:

Twitter URL: @mikecharles81

EXHIBITIONS | TheAntiquityProject 2021-06-04 16-44-33.png